Scientific Background

Things you can learn from singing and making music


Making music together means working with others to create a harmonious and cohesive sound. This requires communication, active listening, and a willingness to work towards a common goal.


Music is a universal language, and making music with others can help develop communication skills. Nonverbal cues such as eye contact, body language, and musical gestures are essential when making music with others.


Music is an art form that requires creativity, and making music with others can stimulate new ideas. The creative process can enhance the basic creativity of each individual as well as the group‘s.

Discipline and Concentration

Making music with others requires discipline and concentration skills, both of which can be improved enormously through the process. 

all photos by Oleksii Parkhomenko
Expression and Communication

Singing is a powerful form of expression that can convey a range of emotions and messages. When you sing with others, you are part of a group and can draw strength and support from others around you. Singing with others can help you communicate and connect with each other on a deeper level. It can also be useful in other areas of life, such as public speaking.

Stress Relief

The physical act of beating a drum, for example, can be very liberating and help relieve tension and stress. A similar thing happens when we sing; the controlled use of our vocal cords allows us to calm down.


Making music with others can help build up confidence in your own abilities as you receive feedback and support from other participants. Everyone is a valuable part of the creative process, regardless of their position. The point is to give each member room to step forward with an idea or take a step back to allow others a chance. This also includes an ongoing change in leadership. This can help develop a stronger sense of self-worth and belief in one's own potential and also the potential of the team.